Soul Level Animal Communication® Testimonials
“If you want to learn more about your four-footed companion, do not hesitate to contact Karen to set up a session, you will be glad that you did. It is so challenging to put into words Karen Dendy Smith’s wonderful work as an animal communicator and healer. We were foster parents for a three-year-old Golden Retriever who had been ignored and neglected and left outside in a pen for three years. She was a very scared and untrusting beautiful dog.
We had the opportunity to have two sessions with Karen where she both talked with our dog and did energy work with the dog as well as with us. We could feel the energy and we could see that it helped to calm our dog as well.
The sessions with Karen were outstanding! We live in North Carolina, so we connected through video conferences. Our session began with our dog and the two humans sitting quietly as Karen tuned into all of our energy to discover what we had to learn from each other. She gave us insight as to the needs of our foster and helped us to “tune into her” so we were more connected and knew what was best for her. We also had the opportunity to ask questions and to “hear” what our dog had to say. Karen has a special gift for reaching into the heart and soul of an animal and bringing forth its true essence.”
“Hi Karen! Huge thank you for the reading today. I had high expectations and you surpassed them! It was an unforgettably moving experience. Again thank you for the extra time - it was the fastest 90 minutes of my life 😂
After the call, I gave Cricket a massage on her skull/neck area and she seemed so grateful. When Nermil barked I encouraged him to “go loud” and thanked him for teaching me to speak up. And as for Gigi…I told her she’s really home now, thanked her for helping me in the past, and said ‘isn’t it funny that I’m big now and you’re small??’ Her tail was wagging extra fast.
I also went online and researched bone broth and raw food options. Turns out the pet supply store around the corner from me has it all ☺️
You provide such a beautiful service to people and their animals Karen, thank you so much! I look forward to connecting with you soon.”
“Karen, I had to sit awhile with the information you shared with me about my beloved animals. One week after the session I can say that I am comforted by the connection you were able to make with both Rumi, my present precious dog, and Buttons, the one who was lost. Just hearing that Buttons wasn’t eaten, but “saved” by an elderly woman who also loved him confirmed my suspicion. To know he said that “she needed him more than I“, softens the agony of losing a beloved pet. I’d rather forget he said he wanted me to try to forgive the person who lost him. I’m simply grateful that Buttons was thankful for my kindness...I saved his life twice and he went on to live another 2 years or so, making him almost 14.
The connection between my mini golden doodle Rumi and I is the most intense animal relationship I’ve ever had. This dog is connected to me in ways I never knew possible. Learning that he was sent to me by my ancestors, who showed up first, gave me goose bumps. Unbeknownst to you, I participated in an ancestor worship experience the month before I got Rumi. You shared that the ancestors wanted to remind me that I am precious as is Rumi, and they, and he, are here to help me learn to love myself. Wow! No matter if you’re a believer in energy soul connection or not, clearly there is more happening than meets the eye and our animals express themselves in myriad of ways, known and unknown. Thank you for offering this unique communication. ”
Dear Karen, Thank you immensely for this evening’s session. My heart is so light and so full. I wanted to share something with you that occurred soon after our call ended. I shared with my husband Chevy’s message for him and then I told him the only thing I was feeling a little perplexed about was “planting little purple flowers”. My husband couldn’t believe it. He told me to go look out on our back deck. Two large flowerpots are sitting on the deck with lots of little purple flowers! He told me that Chevy was playing in the yard and watching him fill two large flowerpots with dirt and little purple flowers on Sunday….
We are immensely blessed to have found you. 😘
I loved my animal communication session with Karen so much! She's a unique and beautiful person and I'm so grateful for the peace I now feel after my cat was killed. For the first time in the 3 weeks since his passing, I don't feel as much of a sense of heaviness about Poe, and I feel optimistic about my life. Karen helped me get the answers I needed to come to terms with Poe's choice to leave the physical world, and some valuable messages from Poe about life that I needed to hear for my own spiritual evolution. The way she clearly and compassionately described everything she saw and helped me put the pieces together to better understand my sweet cat and what he wants me to know, has given me a gift that is more precious than I have words for.
I thought you might like to see my full tattoo. I'm still thinking about how you saw my soul and energy come to you. Hearing you say you saw birds all around me was a moving experience. I finally got this tattoo last summer after 6 years of feeling pulled to do it 💜 Thank you, Karen. 🌹
“My cat, Pepper, and I had a wonderful experience working with Karen! She guided us both effortlessly through a fun, and informative session. I especially appreciated the multiple levels in which Karen addressed us both. As a result, I now know how to address the concerns and challenges that my aging cat faces.
We’ve made some simple changes (such as the type of kitty litter we use) which have had immediate positive results. But the larger, deeper, insight that Karen gave to me about my long-time connection to Pepper, truly changed the way I see our relationship and even myself. It was a fun session in which Pepper sat purring on my lap, seemingly enjoying the gentle, caring, energy that Karen brings to her work. I’ll be sending my family and friends and their furry companions to work with Karen!”
Soul Level Intuitive Coaching® Testimonials
“Karen’s ability to connect with others on a soul level is nothing short of extraordinary. I started working with her because I wanted to make some changes in my life, and I was tired of circling around the same problems and solutions. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my sessions with Karen, but she immediately made me feel comfortable and confident through the natural and unassuming way she guided me through the process. It was immediately obvious that Karen has a real gift of connecting with our spirit guides.
This truly was therapy for me. Karen is an amazing communicator and the messages she conveyed to me could not have come from anyone but my guides. Our soul session work helped me to understand the issues I was facing on a deeper level, and I immediately felt heard and understood in a way I have not before. Karen is encouraging and supportive and I recommend her to anyone who wants to find deeper meaning in their lives or who is struggling to identify their next step forward.”
“Doing this Soul Level Coaching package with Karen has been fun, very effective, and life changing! With the help of Karen and my personal guides, I came to understand myself and make easy but huge changes in my habitual thinking and reacting. I also came to know and understand my life at at a deeper soul level. I truly looked forward to every session, even knowing that i might be focusing on some sad or uncomfortable feelings at times. Because Karen was so adept at always being fully engaged and supportive while also continuously referring back to the direction of the guides. It was like following dreams, with lovely images and fun moments, the process was enjoyable and felt good!
In the first few sessions i was impressed by what they were showing me and how absolutely spot on all of the guidance was! By the end of our six sessions I had built a wonderful new partnership with my own spirit guides! I also built a new way of being true to myself, and a gentle as well as more effective way of being in all relationships! Karen was a joy to work with! I would do this process again in a heartbeat and will absolutely continue to do update sessions in the future. If you are thinking of working with Karen, you’re in for a treat!”
I have done six sessions with Karen and I can't thank her enough. It's amazing how much it has helped me gain a deeper understanding of who I am. Karen is incredibly intuitive and has a wonderful connection with her guides. Her kind and loving approach, helps you feel safe and supported.
No matter the subject there's no judgment. I had some heavy things coming up, filled with emotions. Karen and her guides helped me see my negative belief linked with the situation and the origin of my way of handling it. I was amazed of how much lighter it felt after the session with the insight I received thanks to Karen and the guides. Several things I was doing in my everyday life, (putting pressure on myself doing so) because it was important to me I now realize, doesn't matter anymore. Like by magic because I didn't force myself to change. This is a life changing process that I recommend to everyone who wants to grow and evolve.
— Karin, FRANCE
Qigong & Energy Work Testimonials
“I find Karen’s ability to pinpoint a person’s challenge and quickly bring relief wonderfully helpful. Karen’s dedication to her own qigong practice is evident in the efficiency and effectiveness of her healing work. Kindness and compassion are the foundation for all she does, and her powerful sessions bring lasting change. I’m so grateful for the shifts that happened because of her work!”
“Karen Dendy Smith is enthusiastic about, and generous with, her energy work. From the 1st minute of the session, she was engaged and reassuring. She explained how things would work and answered my questions. What I really liked about the way Karen did the energy work, was that she let my cat choose to use the energy how he wanted, rather than send it with her own intention. During the session, Karen said she saw sludge leave my cat's body... within days, this actually happened! At a follow up health visit, my vet observed a noticeable improvement in the size of my cat's organs. Thank you, Karen for a very helpful session!”