A gorilla wakes me up - TWICE!
How is that possible you might ask?
I was waking from a deep sleep one morning and I felt a presence… I opened my eyes for a split second but no one was there. I thought that maybe this was one of my animals in spirit or a passed loved one trying to get my attention. So with my eye’s closed, I asked, “is someone there?”
That’s when I felt the immense rush of energy and a heavier presence.
I heard…”it’s me, do you remember?”…
“I’ve been waiting for you.”
Then the scene and emotions came flooding in from my childhood. I was connecting with the gorilla I had seen when I was 4.5 years old at the zoo! I KNEW it was him! At that same moment, I realized I had forgotten him over the years, and the tears flowed. (and they do now as I write this)
Why was I crying? Because I remembered how much my heart hurt for him as I stood watching him. I remembered how hard it became to breath in his presence… as he paced back and forth, alone in his cage, eating his own feces. As he paced, he would stop and look at me, and then continue again. At 4.5 years old, I could feel his pain, anguish and craziness. I knew he wanted to leave this terrible cage and go home. And I recollected asking my mom, “Why won’t they let him go home? He is so sad!”
The answer from the adults didn’t quell my upset, and left me thinking I was the only one who could feel his immense agony. I didn’t know what to do with myself and for the remainder of our visit I tried to avoid connecting with the other animals. I even tried to hide in the maze of bushes while other children ran and laughed through the pathways they created.
What do I call you?
Tears streaming, I silently said to him, “I’m so sorry I forgot about you. Are you OK now?” He let me know he was in spirit, reconnected with his family and very much at peace. He told me that he had been waiting for me all this time, until I had done the work to become intuitively open enough to reconnect with him in spirit. So I asked, what do I call you? He simply replied, “call me Michael”. At first I had a hard time accepting that this was his name. And of course it wasn’t, really. But going forward it was the name he wanted me to use to illuminate our connection.
Michael’s lessons
Michael let me know he had been quietly, steadily guiding me all this time, helping to strengthen my sensitivity and broaden my view about our relationship with animals (along with my other animals). When I was a child, his mission had been to wake me up to the realization that animals have feelings, needs, lives. He said he was sorry that he had to shock me so deeply to get the point across, but that it was necessary to wake me up.
And now he was waking me up again! This time to reunite us and continue his guidance. He let me know it was important to stay determined and keep working to share animal’s messages. He warned me that sometimes it would be difficult but he was there holding me with his strong energy. And I could call on him for support.
Having faith
Initially this experience shocked me. And even though I connect with animals in spirit for others all the time, it was hard to believe this was happening for me! In full transparency, I needed support from a colleague, so I asked for help. We did a reading and she called Michael in to connect. Her information validated and expanded on what I had heard. This helped me to trust what I was receiving. He told me to have faith in our connection, and again, to stay strong!
I am so grateful to Michael for pushing me and giving me courage. I can feel the power of his energy as I write his story.