Attention + Intention - 5 steps to send energy to your animal
There is energy in all things and so we are all connected. If you’ve had a session with me, you may have heard me talk about this.
Why does he/she behave that way?
Think about it in this way - putting your attention on something activates, connects with, and energizes the energy of that being. How you feel when you think about another being (your intention) then organizes the connection. Is there love and peace in your heart? Are you stressed and worried? Are you angry? The waves that carry these emotions are like tuning into a radio station that then broadcasts that song.
And think about how different songs make you feel? Sad, happy, aggravated and so on…And because we are all made of energy our fields can infiltrate and affect each other.
Our animals are the most amazing “tuners-in” to what we emit and what is around them
Animals have shown me that they are very aware of their full energetic bodies which expands beyond the 3D form. They walk around with this natural expanded awareness most of the time. And their behavior is aligned with the energy they are feeling at each given moment.
For example, your animal may have a burst of energy, do a quick shake, sit with their head bowed while they purr. These are a few of the ways they are balancing and aligning with the energy they feel within themselves and from the environment.
Noche and I having a meowment
Sending love from my heart and third eye with images and feelings
Send energy and love to your animal
Give this a try with your animal family member and have some fun!
Make sure you and your animal are relaxed and calm.
Check your own energy, take a moment to find a place of centered, peacefulness in your own heart, take a few deep slow breaths in and out.
Imagine your animal is in your heart, surrounded with so much love an appreciation. Think about a moment together that made you super happy!
Once you’ve got that joyful feeling for yourself, imagine gently floating that feeling toward your animal from your heart, like an offering in a golden bubble.
Then wait… and allow yourself to stay in your heart. You may feel a response being sent back to you on that same loving frequency station. Trust that first initial hit that comes back! It’s your animal saying thank you, I love you too!
I can’t wait to hear what happens!
🧡🐾. Karen