Messages through Music
Animal family (whether alive and in spirit), the Guides, and passed human family never cease to amaze me with the profound messages they share with my clients. And they have definitely tested my music memory and adeptness at searching for random pieces of lyrics on Google!
What’s in a song? Something special for everyone.
The title, one sentence, one chorus, or the entire thing may have meaning for someone that I am not aware of. In a reading I really have to trust what I am receiving when sharing a message through music. It’s not up to me to know… but it IS important for me to stay open, make no assumptions and go with what is being shared. Here are a few stories/examples of the impact of a song as a message.
Fix You - Coldplay [lyrics] [video]
When my cat Hockey Puck passed my heart was broken. Two weeks after he passed I was still reeling with questions about why I couldn’t heal him (with all my energy work and knowledge). We did get an extra 6 months, but that wasn’t enough for me. Sitting on my deck, deep in thought and grief, I heard crows cawing loudly (another of his signs to tell me he was watching over me). And then I noticed the song playing on the radio. In this case the ENTIRE song made sense to me with the struggle I was having. But this verse really stuck out, because he taught me to persevere, trust my intuition and then become an animal communicator.
And high up above, or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try, you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Hockey Puck 🐾❤️🌈
Sunshine on My Shoulders - John Denver [lyrics] [video]
A beautiful message for clients whose soul dog passed. I kept seeing golden light around this beautiful dog in spirit and the power of her energy filled my heart and literally brought me to tears (I had to stop the reading for a minute to regroup!). She told me her job while here was to bring light and happiness to others, and heal hearts. Her parents agreed. The moment anyone met this beautiful girl their heart was lifted and they felt better. So when she shared this song for her grieving humans, her message was to let them know she was OK. She wanted them to know her soul felt the sunshine and was happy in spirit, knowing she had helped so many people. They also let me know her LOVED being out in the sun when she was alive and would cry with joy.
Every Day I Write the Book - Elvis Costello [lyrics] [video]
This message came from the Guides for a beautiful human being. Little did I know she was actually in the process of writing a book! If I had jumped to interpretation the message I would have lost it’s multi-layered meaning which included a message from the Guides to read the lyrics as if she were writing to herself. And no coincidences… Elvis Costello was the first band she saw in person as a teenager and was a favorite!
Do you have a special song that reminds you of your animal alive or in spirit? Maybe it’s YOUR SONG together. Do you keep hearing it particular lyrics when you listen to music? Trust the message know your animals, guides, and loved ones are saying hello.
Here are a few of the songs that have come through…Enjoy this eclectic list of music! Maybe one of them is also a message for you.
🧡🐾 Karen
Blue Moon - Billie Holiday
Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles
(my cat Dia gave me this one for both of us!)
The 59th Street Bridge (Feelin’ Groovy') - Simon & Garfunkle
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell
Happy - Pharell Williams
A Place in the Sun - Stevie Wonder
Don’t Bring Me Down - ELO